'She was an amazing lady'

Sep. 14—Sandy Huber touched many lives throughout Grand Haven and the surrounding communities.

Huber died Friday, Sept. 10, at her home. She was 74 years old.

Huber was a fierce advocate for students during her 30-year career with Grand Haven Area Public Schools. She started out teaching special education, before working as principal at White Pines Middle School until her retirement in 2005.

"I think it's because of her special education background that she was all about the underdog," said current White Pines Principal Mike Shelton, who calls Huber his mentor. "She would battle and battle for anybody who needed assistance."

Amanda Sorrelle, principal at Lakeshore Middle School, echoed Shelton's comments.

"There was a time when she would write poems every Monday for the staff, and they were hilarious — you have to have a sense of humor to work in the middle school," Sorrelle said. "She was one funny gal. And when I think of Sandy, her physical stature was short, but her spirit and her love for humanity, and young people in particular, was huge.

"She was always an advocate for students and families, particularly those who were most vulnerable."

When her career in education ended, Huber immediately jumped into community service, volunteering with the Grand Haven Area Community Foundation, the Grand Haven Schools Foundation, Kiwanis, Greater Ottawa County United Way, the Momentum Center and more.

"And when she stepped into all these roles, it wasn't just as a member — she immediately took a driving force role within every one of those," Shelton said. "That's who she was. If she was going to do it, she was going to do it 100 miles per hour. She was going to take care of families and do it the right way — and build relationships with so many people along the way."

Huber is survived by her husband, Paul, and her daughters, Megan and Chelsea. Shelton recalls Huber's affinity for decorating White Pines for each holiday, including her favorite — Halloween. She would drag Paul and her girls in to help her decorate.

"She would bring her whole family, her husband and kids, and they would deck the building out head to toe," he said.

"She loved Halloween — it looked like Halloween threw up all over the building," Sorrelle joked. "She was such an avid fan of Halloween, the school was always decorated to the nines every year."

Huber was inducted into the Grand Haven High School Hall of Fame in 2019, receiving the Honorary Award for Service.

Shelton called Huber's death a loss for the entire community.

"As I talk to so many people, it's not just losing a friend or a colleague — this is a community loss, because of the impact she had," he said. "She was an amazing lady."

You can read Huber's obituary online here.