Sharpton breaks promise to Trayvon supporters, fails to show up in Sanford for Easter ‘Occupation’

MSNBC host and the Rev. Al Sharpton has broken a major promise he made to those supporting him and Trayvon Martin’s family: he didn’t show up in Sanford, Fla., to “occupy” the town over Easter weekend.

On March 26, Sharpton had vowed to “occupy” Sanford over Easter weekend to show support for Trayvon, the 17-year-old black teen who was shot by Hispanic man George Zimmerman on Feb. 26.

“We’re going to have a full blown occupation of Sanford with tents and everything over Easter weekend until [authorities] either arrest George Zimmerman, or arrest us for praying for his arrest,” Sharpton told ABC News about two weeks before Easter.

Now though, on Easter weekend, Sharpton is nowhere to be found in the central Florida town. Instead, according to his Twitter feed, he’s in Harlem.

“On my way to MSNBC to do the Melissa Harris Perry Show live at 11 15 AM EST,” Sharpton said in a tweet on Easter morning around 10:30 a.m. “Then I preach the Easter services at St. Lukes Baptist in Harlem.”

Sharpton also spent Saturday in Harlem, according to his Twitter feed. “I speak at the Saturday Action Rally at the House of Justice,” Sharpton tweeted around 7 a.m. on Saturday. “Tune in live from 9-11 AM EST at” The “House of Justice” is located in Harlem.

It’s unclear why Sharpton chose to abandon supporters of calls for “Justice for Trayvon.” Neither National Action Network spokeswoman Rachel Noerdlinger nor MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines responded to The Daily Caller’s requests for comment on why he broke his promise.

The reason might have something to do with how the facts of this case haven’t exactly been the way Sharpton and his allies originally presented them. Since Sharpton first promised he’d occupy Sanford over Easter weekend, several pieces of his storyline have fallen apart.

For instance, video has surfaced from when Sanford police took Zimmerman into custody the night he shot Trayvon. What appears to be a gash or wound of some kind on Zimmerman’s head is visible in the video.

Controversial filmmaker Spike Lee tweeted the address of what was Zimmerman’s house. It turned out to be an innocent elderly couple’s home, and Lee subsequently made a public apology and financial settlement with the couple for potentially putting them in danger.

CNN’s audio experts have walked back their audio analysis that determined Zimmerman said “fucking coons” on the 911 call he made shortly before he shot Trayvon. They have now admitted that Zimmerman more likely said “fucking punks.”

NBC News has fired a producer who selectively and deceptively edited that same 911 call to make it appear as though Zimmerman inserted Trayvon’s race into the discussion. It was, in fact, the 911 operator who first asked Zimmerman if Trayvon was “black, white or Hispanic,” to which Zimmerman responded: “I think he’s black.”

ABC News and CNN have both come under fire, too, for how they have handled certain pieces of Trayvon coverage.

Since Sharpton made that now-broken promise to “occupy” Sanford over Easter weekend, it has been discovered that Zimmerman was not only a Hispanic man �“ he was often originally incorrectly described as “white” or “white Hispanic” �“ but that Zimmerman is a registered Democrat.

It’s also been learned that Zimmerman actually advocated for the disciplining of at least two of the cops who handled the investigation into him shooting Trayvon a little over a year ago when a black homeless was brutally beaten by a white police officer’s son. Zimmerman had led a charge and demand for justice for that black homeless man, Sherman Ware, and distributed flyers throughout the black community.

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