Sharpshooting Ukrainian paratrooper destroys four Russian armored vehicles in single battle – video

A soldier of 79th Tavria Brigade shot 4 Russian armored vehicles resulting in enemy attack being disrupted
A soldier of 79th Tavria Brigade shot 4 Russian armored vehicles resulting in enemy attack being disrupted

One sharpshooting Ukrainian paratrooper from 79th Tavria Separate Airborne Assault Brigade single handedly took out four Russian armored vehicles to help halt a Russian advance on the Tavria front, the brigade reported on Facebook.

The invaders made another attempt to break through the Tavria paratroopers' defense, throwing five units of armored combat vehicles and infantry into the assault.

Ukrainian soldiers shut the door on the enemy assault with incredible courage and high professionalism. In the wake of the failed assault, burnt enemy equipment and the bodies of eliminated invaders littered the field.

Read also: Ukrainian paratrooper uses Kalashnikov rifle to down 5 Russian drones

The actions of one Ukrainian anti-tank paratrooper - Junior Sergeant Andrii H. (call sign ‘Sedoi’) were especially notable. His accurate shooting with the Javelin anti-tank missile system (ATMS) destroyed four armored vehicles and played a major part in slamming the door on the enemy attack.

The impressive single battle kill count now brings Sedoi’s total to 22 units of enemy equipment destroyed, according to the brigade’s data.

Enemy losses along the Tavria front in the first few days of the new year are testament to the intensity of hostilities in the area. The occupiers have already lost over 200 invaders and 29 combat vehicles (damaged or destroyed) since the beginning of the year.

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