Shark takes bite of unsuspecting fisherman in the Everglades, authorities say

A shark lurking in the waters of Everglades National Park chomped on an unsuspecting fisherman Friday morning, sending him to a hospital, authorities say.

Sometime before 10:20 a.m., the unidentified fisherman spent his morning on a boat in the Florida Bay near the Flamingo Marina. While washing his hands in the water, a shark bit his hand, said Allyson Gantt, a spokesperson for the national park.

A park ranger treated his wounds before he was airlifted to a nearby hospital by Miami-Dade Fire Rescue, MDFR said.

Video shared on Instagram shows a fisherman, who may be the victim in Friday’s attack, being pulled into the murky Everglades water by a shark who latched on to his hand.

According to the University of Florida’s Program for Shark Research website, this would be categorized as an unprovoked attack, which is common.