Shannon expands, consolidates Women’s and Children’s Hospital

SAN ANGELO, Texas (Concho Valley Homepage) — The Shannon Medical Center announced that it has expanded its Women’s and Children’s Hospital to include several new amenities, including additional delivery and patient rooms.

The announcement came via a Facebook post issued on the evening of Thursday, March 14. In it, the medical organization shared what was introduced with the expansion, which is as follows:

  • An observation unit

  • Four new state-of-the-art labor and delivery rooms

  • Two cutting-edge operating rooms

  • 10 more spacious patient rooms

The hospital has also introduced a board-certified neonatology program that “allows families and our tiniest patients to stay in San Angelo for specialized nursery care,” according to Shannon.

The expansion has also reduced the two locations the Women’s and Children’s Hospital operated out of to just one. The move to consolidate the hospital was done to keep its limited resources in one place, according to Stacie Elizondo, administrative director of the Shannon Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

“San Angelo is in a rural area, so we have limited resources,” Elizondo said. “Expanding our services at one location allowed us to consolidate from two locations down to one so we didn’t have to divide our resources.”

The expansion has been in the making since mid-2022, having finished construction in November 2023. The following months were spent getting the necessary equipment for the completed rooms. The equipment is now in place, meaning that the amenities are ready to be used by the newly-consolidated hospital.

“It allows for the support services that go along with perinatal care not to be stretched as thin because we aren’t trying to cover two locations,” Elizondo said. “We can be more consistent in providing those resources. It’s better allocation.”

With the new amenities and the hospital consolidation in full effect, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital is one step closer to graduating from its level two designation. Should the hospital receive a level three designation, it will be considered eligible to care for “more critical patients,” according to Elizondo.

“Being able to consolidate our services and use our resources better at one location more efficiently is really going to allow us to grow,” Elizondo said. “We are working to expand our neonatology services as well as raise our level of care.”

The Shannon Women’s and Children’s Hospital helps deliver approximately 2,000 babies each year, according to Elizondo.

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