Sexist radio host ordered to let feminists speak without interruption

A radio presenter accused of misogyny has been ordered to host feminist guests on his programme, and to let them speak for 10 minutes uninterrupted and without criticism.

Angel Etchecopar, an Argentinian shock jock, has used his show, "The Angel of Noon", on Radio 10 to attack feminists as “disgusting people” and “feminazis”, according to Le Monde.

Prosecutors in Buenos Aires charged the 65-year-old – nicknamed “Baby” - with making "disrespectful, insulting, denigrating and discriminatory" statements against women.

But as part of an agreement to have the case dropped, Mr Etchecopar agreed to make a public apology, avoid making any discriminatory remarks for a year, host gender experts weekly for five months, and make a 15,000 peso (£595) donation to charity.

If he breaks any of the terms the case against him could be resurrected.

“Etchecopar came to the inquiry with a repentant attitude and showed himself to be very different from the personality I had seen in the media," prosecutor Federico Vilalba Diaz told La Nacion newspaper.

Under the agreement, prosecutors will provide a list of experts to appear on his show, while the country’s special gender violence prosecutor will come up with discussion topics.

The deal comes into force in March.

"It seemed important to me that the listeners of Baby Etchecopar could listen to other voices and other explanations, different from the ones they are used to,” Mr Diaz added.