Seth Rogen and Stephen Colbert Direct Message Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter

Seth Rogen dropped by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert where he revealed that he not only famously tweeted Donald Trump Jr. after he discovered the President's son followed him, but he has also direct messaged him. Rogen shared a direct message he had sent, which in part read "It would be super cool for you to say, 'Yo, dad, why don't you stop all this and just go back to being a guy on TV? The majority of the world would be pretty psyched, thanks.'" Stephen Colbert realized that Donald Trump Jr. also follows him on Twitter. So Colbert got in on the fun and direct messaged Trump as well saying, "Sup? Hang with @SethRogen, why don't you return his D.M.S? How about we all chill together and burn one, don't tell @jamesfranco." To make sure that Trump didn't think Colbert's tweet was from some Russian hacker, Rogen sent a follow up D.M. that read, "Seeing what's up. I think you see these. If not, my friend Steve is getting in on this. Check it out, it's @StephenAtHome. Ask your dad to quit, please."