Set aside Sept. 29 to learn about candidates for public office

Sep. 23—The Mountaineer is hosting a candidate forum Sept. 29 to allow a chance for all candidates seeking local office to share their views with the public.

The forum will start at 6 p.m. in the Historic Courthouse courtroom with the candidates in the 13 unopposed races speaking for 2 minutes about their candidacy, the office they hold and their plans for the future.

Following that, there will be forums for those involved in a contested race where candidates introduce themselves and then respond to four questions each.

Readers are invited to submit questions to be considered for the following races — sheriff, county commissioner, N.C. Senate, N.C. House, school board, tax collector and 11th Congressional District.

Email questions to vhyatt@themountaineer.

As in past years, the candidate forum will be broadcast on the government access channels and available on The Mountaineer's social website and social media pages. In addition, the forum will be filmed on Facebook live so viewers at home can watch the forum or view it at a later date.