Senator Poses With Lots of Dead Alligators

One of the most miserably dull aspects of life in the United States Congress is the never-ending fundraising. But supporters of Louisiana's David Vitter have found a way to make wooing donors a bit more interesting.

In May, a super PAC supporting Sen. Vitter (R) sent around an invite for a September alligator hunt in the Louisiana bayou with the senator, at a cost of $5,000 a person. And over the weekend, Vitter posted a photo on Facebook of the end result:


(David Vitter/Facebook)

The Facebook comments on the photo ranged from "Shoot gators NOT missiles into Syria!" to "YUM YUM."

Alligator hunting is actually close to Vitter's heart. In August 2012, Vitter got the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) to provide additional alligator hunting tags after hearing from constituents that alligator overpopulation was hurting the fishing industry. "There's a simple solution to help get rid of the alligator overpopulation disrupting the fishing community," Vitter said in a statement. "And I'm very pleased that the Corps and the LDWF worked with us to issue more hunting tags."

It appears that Vitter is now taking an even more active role in eliminating the alligator menace.