Sen. Mazie Hirono on live TV: It's 'bs' if Trump blames Democrats for government shutdown

The Hawaiian senator appeared Thursday night on 'All in With Chris Hayes' on MSNBC hours after the Trump administration was involved in several major news developments.

Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii doesn't typically mince her words.

She sure didn't during a live appearance Thursday night on "All in With Chris Hayes" on MSNBC, roundly criticizing President Donald Trump and his administration and using a profane word to warn the president against blaming Democrats for a possible government shutdown.

First, Hirono criticized Trump's repeated defense of his decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria. Trump made that announcement yesterday but double-downed today following criticism from both sides of the political aisle.

Hirono called the decision a "Christmas present" for Russian President Vladimir Putin as well as Iran. She went on to say changes to asylum rules at the border could make things unsafe for people seeking help.

But it was on the subject of a possible government shutdown where she really let loose.

"Any effort on his part to blame the Democrats is such bulls--t that, as I said before, I would hardly be able to stand it."

See for yourself:

The topic of a shutdown took center stage this week as lawmakers work to come to a short-term spending agreement before the Friday night deadline that would close a quarter of the government.

The House voted on Thursday to add $5 billion in border wall funding to a short-term spending bill, yielding to Trump’s demand for the money. The bill now heads back to the Senate, which must either approve the measure or risk the shutdown.

Trump tweeted a video Thursday saying it was time for the Democrats to support the wall.

"They want to try and do anything possible to hurt us because of the fact it's politics," he said of the Democrats. "I understand that. I don't even hold it against them. Except you should always put your country first. And they're not doing that."

Contributing: Michael Collins, David Jackson, Bill Theobald

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Sen. Mazie Hirono on live TV: It's 'bs' if Trump blames Democrats for government shutdown