The Secret To Making Travel Packing Easier

As we all know, packing for a trip isn't always easy. It might just be us but we always seem to be late on making travel arrangements for the holidays. And no matter how 'prepared' or 'a quick packer' we claim to be, we always seem to find ourselves running around town the very last minute to make a copy of our passport or find the right pocket dictionary.

Cleaning and organizing expertSarah Hayon of Dwellwellsuggests an obvious and simple solution to avoiding all that last-minute stress and panic when packing for a trip by keeping travel essentials neatly stored away in a box at home. This includes passports, luggage tags, foreign currency, adapters, etc., which should be grouped together and safely stowed away in a place that you'll remember to always go to when getting ready for a trip.

We can't agree more with Sarah on this easy preemptive organizing tip as we've definitely forgotten where we placed that three-prong adapter plug after a trip abroad.

It's also good to make it a habit to sort out everything from your travels the moment you return home and put them away in the travel box. This means that you'll be ready to go on the fly the next time you take a trip somewhere. For families, an alternative would be to allot a drawer in the home office or bathroom for all the documents and essentials so everyone knows exactly where to go for those items.

There's enough to worry about with having to stuff and fit all your clothes and other items into your suitcase so the key here is to streamline the essential travel items you'll always carry with you on trips in one place that's easy to find.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.