Sean Spicer needs you to understand that he wasn't hiding in the bushes. He was 'among' them.

In the immediate aftermath of FBI Director James Comey's firing on May 9, the press looked to the White House press secretary for answers.

The only problem? Press Secretary Sean Spicer was evading reporters by standing either in or "among" bushes on White House grounds. According to The Washington Post, Spicer's assistant emerged to inform the press that the press secretary would only speak to them if he was not filmed doing so. It is hopefully not a partisan stance to say that the whole ordeal was very odd — it is strange for the White House press secretary to hide from the press in bushes.

But it gets even weirder.

SEE ALSO: 8 clarifications Sean Spicer would like to make from his Easter children's book reading

The Washington Post's story describing the actions of Spicer of May 9 were updated on Wednesday night with the following correction.

This, of course, is an important distinction. Spicer was not IN the bushes. He was simply AMONG them. He was not hiding from reporters looking for answers about the firing of the lead investigator into the Trump administration's ties with Russia IN the bushes. He was simply hiding from reporters looking for answers about the firing of the lead investigator into the Trump administration's ties with Russia AMONG the bushes. Do you understand?


Image: Max knoblauch; shutterstock

Fine and accurate

Image: max knoblauch; shutterstock

Corrections are normally issued at the behest of the subject of an article. One can only assume that a correction so trivial in the face of Comey's firing must have been brought on by external urging — possibly a call from the office of the press secretary himself.

Please do not make this mistake again. Sean Spicer does not hide in bushes. He confers AMONG them.

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