Sean Spicer's comments on Hitler shredded by single MSNBC chyron

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer had a particularly Sean Spicer-y press conference on Tuesday afternoon, mistakenly telling reporters that Hitler never used chemical weapons.

He's since clarified — twice — but as the controversial flub unfolded, MSNBC was ready with a spot-on retort in the form of a succinct breaking news chyron. 

SEE ALSO: Sean Spicer was once a terrifying White House Easter Bunny

"You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons," Spicer said, comparing Hitler to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, who has been accused of dropping chemical weapons on his own people. Uh, not so much, MSNBC's chyron basically said. 

Spicer, given a chance to clarify his statements, followed up with this:

And later, this statement:

"Also, they weren't called 'Holocaust centers'" was probably too many words to squeeze into MSNBC's graphic.

WATCH: Sean Spicer just cannot get the Prime Minister of Australia's name right