Sea turtle population threatened as water temperatures dip

Colder temperatures in Delmarva waters is more than just a season trend, it is the reason for sea turtles to possibly wash onto shore in a state of shock.

Locations like the Virginia area of the Assateague Island National Seashore are particularly prone to species like green sea turtles washing onto the shore in such a state. Such an incident was posted on social media by the Assateague Island Alliance on Dec. 2.

"It's great to know there is a 24/7 Stranding Response Team through the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center." the post read.

Even in such a condition, the turtles may still be alive once they come out of the cold shock.

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The National Aquarium is caring for Pecorino, a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle which is not only the most endangered sea turtle species, but also the most common rescued animal that comes through their doors. Pecorino was rescued after stranding with injuries consistent with a boat propeller strike.
The National Aquarium is caring for Pecorino, a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle which is not only the most endangered sea turtle species, but also the most common rescued animal that comes through their doors. Pecorino was rescued after stranding with injuries consistent with a boat propeller strike.

According to Liz Davis, Chief of Interpretation and Education for the Assateague Island National Seashore, it is a matter of reptile biology.

"Sea turtles are reptiles and, therefore, are unable to regulate their body temperature as easily as mammals," Davis said. “Cold stunning occurs when a sea turtle has been exposed to cold temperatures, commonly water below 50°F for an extended period. The exposure to the cold will result in a decrease of heart rate and circulation."

Other issues include reduced activity and eventually lethargy in the sea turtle. Once lethargic, they will float to the surface and may be washed ashore.

While Davis noted only a single sea turtle has done so, she advised to immediately contact the local stranding network, depending on whether the sea turtle is in Maryland or Virginia.

"Unfortunately though there's no way to prevent these cold-stunning events, they've been documented since the late 1800s," Davis said. "The focus is on rescuing (and ultimately returning to the wild) as many as possible since all sea turtles are endangered or threatened species."

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The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center, as part of its Stranding Program, coordinates the state responses for all marine mammals and sea turtles that come ashore in Virginia, whether sick, injured, dead or entangled/entrapped and unable to return to their natural habitat.

"Trained professionals examine the animals and, if alive, determine the most humane course of action for each unique situation. Since the program's inception, more than 30 years ago, the team has responded to thousands of stranded marine mammals and sea turtles," the program website states.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources notes the most commonly stranded sea turtle in Maryland is the loggerhead sea turtle. On average Maryland has 25 dead sea turtles strandings each year. Most standings occur along the Atlantic Coast, however, sea turtles have stranded as far north as the Magothy River in the Chesapeake Bay.

"Sea turtles strand due to a variety of natural and human causes. Natural causes of stranding or death can be due to old age, disease, predation and cold stunning," DNR states. "Sea turtles are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and Maryland Non-Game and Endangered Species Conservation Act of 1975. Sea turtles are still protected under these laws even after their death."

Who to call

If you spot a stranded turtle or marine mammal, there are teams to help including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at 866-755-6622. In Maryland, call the National Aquarium's stranding hotline at 410-373-0083 or Maryland Natural Resources Police (Maryland Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding Response Program) at 1-800-628-9944. Teams are on call 24/7. In Delaware, call the MERR Institute at 302-228-5029. In Virginia, call the Virginia and Aquarium & Marine Science Center (Stranding Response Program) at 757-385-7575.

This article originally appeared on Salisbury Daily Times: Sea turtle population threatened as water temperatures dip