New science has us so hopeful for the end of childhood cancer

New science has us so hopeful for the end of childhood cancer

New science has us so hopeful for the end of childhood cancer
New science has us so hopeful for the end of childhood cancer

A new study from the National Center for Health Statistics has us actually feeling pretty hopeful about scientists finally finding an end to childhood cancer. So many of us have a personal connection to the disease, and sometimes it’s hard not to feel like it’s inevitable. But, luckily, there’s hope: childhood cancer is on the decline, and it has us feeling a little more optimistic than usual. Like, TG.

The study, run by Sally C. Curtin, M.A., Arialdi M. Miniño, M.P.H., and Robert N. Anderson, Ph.D., looked at rates of childhood cancer between 1999 and 2014, and found that there has been a decline in the rates of death. Like, yes!


According to the study, childhood cancer death rates for those 1–19 years old in the U.S. declined 20%.

Santosh Kesari, M.D., Ph.D., a neuro-oncologist and chair of the department of translational neuro-oncology and neurotherapeutics at California’s John Wayne Cancer Institute told Self,

“In the last few decades, we made amazing progress of treatments in various cancers, particularly leukemia,” Kesari explained. “We found that high-dose, multi-regiment chemotherapies can cure these cases of leukemia, and that has contributed to less deaths in children.”

It’s hard to be hopeful, and pessimism is bound to seep in. But science takes time, and we have so many scientists and researchers giving cancer research their all. We are so grateful for these incredible people.


Aron Flagg, M.D., a pediatric oncologist at Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital, told Self,

“We are also seeing a blossoming of other new drugs to specifically target cancer cells or even to leverage the child’s own immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells in the body—both which drastically reduce many of the typical side effects associated with chemotherapy.”

We’re *so* happy to hear this. Chemotherapy can have some seriously intense effects, and we’re always relieved to be reminded that science has our back, and isn’t giving up any time soon.

H/T Self

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