Should schools ban cell phones? Beaufort County considers limits during class

Next year Beaufort County students might not be allowed to have cell phones while being taught, with the potential for a complete ban based on the state budget.

In a step toward anti-cell phone school policies that a growing number of states and counties are implementing nationwide, Superintendent Frank Rodriguez is set to present options at the school board meeting May 21 for a district regulation prohibiting cell phones during instruction time, meaning devices would still be allowed in hallways or between classes.

“I don’t think it’s a question of if Beaufort County school district will eventually be phone-free,” board member Ingrid Boatright said. “I think it’s a question of when.”

The school board didn’t say when or if they would vote on a regulation, only that they would “continue discussion,” with the school year ending June 5. The state may force the transition if Beaufort County doesn’t act before it.

Gov. Henry McMaster’s proposed 2024-25 budget includes a proviso requiring public schools to ban student use of cell phones “during classroom instruction time” to receive certain state funds. The House version of the proviso said the same, but the Senate version took it one step further to propose a ban “during the school day.” For the state to implement the budget proviso, the two chambers must amend their differences and McMaster must sign off.

School board Vice-Chair Richard Geier called policies where schools completely ban phones “pretty draconian.” He described a potential policy where students would walk into a classroom and put their phones in a numbered pocket chart.

“If there’s an emergency or something, there’s an active shooter or something, you can grab the phone and call mom and dad,” he said.

It wouldn’t be the first state to create some sort of policy. Last year, Florida enacted a law that required public schools to ban student cellphone use during class time and block social media access on their WiFi. Some Florida districts such as Orange County banned phones for the entire school day.