Schaeffer Academy Class of 2024: Top Graduates

May 24—Parents: Erick and Cara Bothun

Activities: Theater, Varsity Volleyball (Captain), Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Choir, MSHSL Vocal Competition, Tennis, Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Cross Country, Student Council

Scholastic Achievements: Honors level coursework in all courses, Varsity letter in Academics every year of high school

Community Service: Piano playing at Mayo Clinic Gonda

Future Plans: Cedarville University, majoring in nursing and minoring in Bible and theater

Parents: Dale and Cari Ekbom

Activities: Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Choir, Yearbook, Young Life, Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Scholastic Achievements: Road to Hope scholarship, Presidential scholar, Hope Forward Interview Award, Mayo Dependent Scholarship

Community Service: Inheritance of Hope, Meals on Wheels, children's ministry at Autumn Ridge Church

Future Plans: Hope College to study social work

Parents: Ellen Larson and Gary Larson [note from guidance counselor: father Gary Larson passed away from cancer on April 30 of this year)

Activities: Soccer (Captain), Basketball, Basketball Hustle Award, Baseball (Captian), Tennis, Math League, MSHSL solo and ensemble contest

Scholastic Achievements: Lionheart Award for character, attitude and servanthood in Soccer and Basketball, National Latin Exam gold medalist, Math League Team State Champions, 3rd place in Lego Robotics, History Day Withers Team Award, 1st place for Seniors Individual Mankato Math Competition, 1st place for Individual Dordt Math Competition

Future Plans: Iowa State University, majoring in mechanical engineering