Saybrook Township Board denies rezoning request

Mar. 1—SAYBROOK — The Saybrook Township Board of Trustees denied a zoning request change at a meeting on Thursday.

The owners of 6500 Lake Road West, Chuck and Annette Neff, were requesting to change the zoning from residential to commercial.

"We saw that this lot was sitting between two commercial properties on the State Route," Neff said. "So we thought this may be a good property to convert to commercial. We did go before Ashtabula [County] and they recommended also that it lines up with the laws as far as a commercial nature. Our goal is to keep it nice. Essentially the storage units would be 250 ft off of Lake Rd. sitting behind where Alessandros is."

Their plan was to build a storage facility.

The room was full with neighbors of this property ready to voice their concerns.

"We enjoy our peaceful and quiet neighborhood," said Vickie Lotze Schlademan. "There are rental units, which have long-term residents."

The residents are concerned that the proposed use of this propert has changed over time.

"Within the proposal it began with a container store. Then they said it changed," Lotze Schlademan said. "The changes are bothering us. The last meeting it was mentioned as a banquet hall. People have concerns, because they could change their mind...possibly obtain an alcohol license ... people do not wish for that in the community."

Concerns for the children that live in the neighborhood came up multiple times during the meeting. A couple of the residents have been, or are currently, educators in the local school district including Lotze Schlademan.

"Now that I have grandchildren living with us that play in the grassy areas across the street from the empty lot ... we want to make sure that they are safe and protected. They are going to be living with us a long time. They're attending schools right in Saybrook," said neighbor Louise Lotze.

"I don't care if you put gold doors on your storage," said neighbor Margo Hornyak. "We just don't want it there. We're residential. We want peace and harmony. Our trust is in you folks that we voted for. I hope you don't let us down."

At the end of the meeting, the trustees unanimously decided against the rezoning.

"If the zoning was changed on that property and you happen to sell it...the zoning follows that and the township loses control. Anything within that C-1 area could be built there," said Trustee Dan Claypool.

"Over my years of experience listening to the people ... that's our job," said Robert Brobst, chair of the Saybrook Township Trustees.