Saudi teen given temporary reprieve from being deported to homeland

A young Saudi woman detained in Bangkok airport on Monday after a coordinated effort by Thai and Saudi authorities to deport her has won a temporary reprieve under UN protection after barricading herself in a hotel room and fighting back on social media.

The extraordinary drama, much of which was relayed across the world via Twitter and livestreamed videos, began when Rahaf al-Qunun, 18, was stopped by Thai immigration authorities and her passport confiscated on Sunday while she was transiting for Australia to seek asylum.

Ms al-Qunun alleged that her family had subjected her to physical and psychological abuse and said she feared she would be killed if she was sent home as her cousin had already threatened to “slaughter” her.

On Monday morning the Thai and Saudi authorities appeared to collaborate in their claims that the teenager had attempted to enter Thailand without the correct papers and denied that her passport had been seized.

"She ran away from her family to avoid marriage and she is concerned she may be in trouble returning to Saudi Arabia," said Surachate Hakparn, Thailand’s immigration chief.

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun fears she will be killed if deported to Saudi Arabia - Credit: AFP
Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun fears she will be killed if deported to Saudi Arabia Credit: AFP

Reports also suggested that she had been stopped after a male guardian filed a complaint that she had travelled “without his permission.”

Thai immigration officials intended to repatriate Ms al-Qunun on a Kuwait Airlines flight at 11.15am local time, but she locked herself in the room of an airport hotel, where she fiercely rebutted the Saudi and Thai claims, and pleaded for her life via her Twitter account.

“I’m not leaving my room until I see UNHCR. I want asylum,” she said in a video broadcast in English.

After a long delay, and accusations from Human Rights Watch that the Thai authorities had initially “stonewalled” UN requests to meet her, UNHCR officials were finally allowed access to Ms al-Qunun on Monday evening to assess her case.

A global media frenzy and concerted appeals by international diplomats and human rights activists over Ms al-Qunun’s case appeared to have prompted a reversal in the Thai position.

Thailand “will not force her” to leave, Mr Surachate told reporters after the meeting, adding: "She is under the care of the UNHCR now but we also sent Thai security to help take care (of her).”

He revealed that the young woman wanted to seek asylum to a third country and that the UN agency would take five days to consider her status.

"If deporting her would result in her death, we definitely wouldn’t want to do that,” he said, just hours after the authorities had threatened to put Ms al-Qunun on a Kuwaiti plane.

“The important thing we have to keep in mind is maintaining diplomatic relations, and also her safety as well,” said Mr Surachate.

As she left her hotel room, Ms al-Qunun expressed relief at now being safe “under UNHCR protection with the agreement of Thailand authorities” and revealed that her passport had been returned.

But she also said that the arrival of her father Mohammed al-Qunun, a Saudi government official from Ha’il province, “worried and scared me a lot.”

It is not known if Ms al-Qunun plans to meet with her father, but the Thai authorities said she would not be forced to do so.

It has not been revealed whether the Saudi teenager will attempt to seek asylum in Australia as she initially planned to do.

Australia confirmed that she had a valid three-month tourist visa at the point of her detention.

The Australian department of foreign affairs and trade (DFAT) later issued a statement that it was monitoring her case and found the claims that she may be harmed if she returned "deeply concerning."

"The Australian embassy in Thailand has made representations to both the Thai government and the Bangkok office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to seek assurances that Ms al-Qunun can access the UNHCR's refugee status determination process in Thailand," it said.

Georg Schmidt, the German ambassador to Thailand, had been one of the first foreign officials to publicly express “grave concern” over her plight, and Canadian diplomats were praised for being “steadfast and superb” by Human Rights Watch deputy Asia director, Phil Robertson.

The UK’s foreign and commonwealth office declined to comment on the case. In one of many desperate tweets earlier in the day, Ms al-Qunun had appealed directly to Jeremy Hunt, the British foreign secretary, to help organise an emergency UK travel document.

The incident comes against the backdrop of global outrage over Saudi Arabia’s investigation and handling of the shocking murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year.

Saudi Arabia has long been under the spotlight for its appalling record on women’s rights, including a guardianship system that allows men to control the lives of their female relatives.

“Saudi women fleeing their family or the country can face so-called ‘honour’ violence or other serious harm if returned against their will,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, HRW’s Middle East director.

Ms al-Qunun’s case recalls a similar escape bid by Dina Ali Lasloom, 24, who attempted to make an asylum claim in Australia in 2017.

She was apprehended at Manila airport in the Philippines and later dragged onto a flight to the Saudi capital Riyadh, her mouth taped shut and her arms and legs bound. She has not been heard from since.