Alec Baldwin steps up his savage lampooning of Donald Trump in record 17th Saturday Night Live host appearance

Alec Baldwin, the scourge of Donald Trump, returned to host Saturday Night Live for the 17th time.

Once again he puckered his lips, donned a blond wig and launched into his impersonation of the president.

There has been little love lost between Donald Trump and Alec Baldwin for months, with the actor’s cruel imitation during the campaign infuriating the billionaire businessman.

The mockery was savage. In a parody of one of the campaign debates, Baldwin ridiculed Mr Trump’s mannerisms and in one sketch he stalked Hillary Clinton around the stage with the theme music from Jaws playing in the background.

Mr Trump has frequently turned to Twitter to voice his low opinion of the show. "@NBCNews is bad but Saturday Night Live is the worst of NBC. Not funny, cast is terrible, always a complete hit job. Really bad television!” he wrote on one occasion.

The actor’s impersonation has proved sufficiently convincing to fool the Dominican newspaper, El Nacional, to mistakenly use a photograph of Alec Baldwin as Mr Trump rather than the president himself.

In the latest episode, Alec Baldwin’s Trump decided to relitigate his Muslim travel ban in “The People’s Court” - a five-day-a-week TV show where disputes are settled in a television studio.

Trump the plaintiff sued the three judges from the ninth circuit court of appeals who rejected his attempt to reinstate the ban.

 “They are accused of letting bad hombres get into the country,” he said.

“You understand this is a TV court?” the judge asked. “That’s OK, I am a TV president,” he replied. “I signed a tremendous travel ban, I didn’t read it, I signed it.”

A shirtless “Vladimir Putin” then entered the court to offer his support for Mr Trump. “He is my great friend, he is my American happy meal.”

Finding against the president, the “judge” reflected on the breakneck pace of the early days of the Trump administration. “I want one day without a CNN alert which scares the hell out of me.”

The opening salvo was aimed at Sean Spicer, Mr Trump’s press secretary.

Savagely portrayed by Melissa McCarthy, “Spicey” was as short tempered as in the previous episode, hurling abuse at the press pack.

With the aid of dolls, “Spicer” demonstrated what extreme vetting meant. The blond Barbie doll entered without a hitch, while the black doll was despatched to Guantanamo Bay.

Couldn't make this any more clear.

— Saturday Night Live (@nbcsnl) February 12, 2017

Gags were swiftly aimed at Kellyanne Conway, who has had a difficult week. Recalling how Mr Trump’s counsel had spoken of the non-existent Bowling Green Massacre, “Spicer” suggested a few more, including “The slaughter at Fragglerock” and “The night they drove Dixie Down.”

Portrayed by Kate McKinnon, “Ms Conway” recreates Fatal Attraction, stalking one of CNN’s presenters to his apartment in New York.

Michael Che, a comedian anchoring a mock TV news show, “Weekend Update”, took aim at Mr Trump’s immigration policy and his pledge to see his opponents in court.

“You can’t threaten judges with more court.”

Ms Conway, the White House counsellor being offered counselling, also came under fire.

“It’s like an Uber driver telling you to get out and push," said Che.

It is not known whether Mr Trump watched the show. But he did not tweet.