Sarasota School Board's anti-Title IX resolution unreasonable

During a demonstration before a Sarasota County School Board meeting, Snow Mowry, of Venice, shows a T-shirt mocking one worn by board member Bridget Ziegler in a social media post, "Real Women Aren't Men."
During a demonstration before a Sarasota County School Board meeting, Snow Mowry, of Venice, shows a T-shirt mocking one worn by board member Bridget Ziegler in a social media post, "Real Women Aren't Men."

Board ignores facts in passing resolution

During the Sarasota County School Board meeting May 7, when the anti-Title IX resolution was adopted 4-1, two citizens provided factual information about the wide variety of biologically based intersex conditions found everywhere in the human population.

But four board members ignored that information and passed a primitive resolution that defies reality and states there are two immutable biological sexes.

Why? Are facts actually meaningless to some “educators”? Alternatively, are they saying that God makes mistakes?

One of the most frustrating aspects of our School Board meetings is that board members’ reasoning is never explained, leaving us to conclude that preordained political opportunism is behind inexplicable decisions. Often, statements by board members are incomprehensible to the listeners.

School Board member Bridget Ziegler generated controversy last year for a social media post of herself wearing this T-shirt.
School Board member Bridget Ziegler generated controversy last year for a social media post of herself wearing this T-shirt.

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Many want to know the board majority’s justification for adopting an official resolution that is literally ignorant of reality and will have cruel repercussions.

Board members Tim Enos, Robyn Marinelli, Karen Rose and Bridget Ziegler: Please respond with information that helps community members understand your reasoning on this issue. (Don’t bother mentioning women’s sports; the new Title IX revision does not concern that issue.)

Louise Machinist, retired clinical child psychologist

Supreme Court doesn’t reflect America

The conservative Supreme Court justices seem to be taking it personally that their right-wing, religious, Republican assault on a women’s right to choose has stirred up resentment.

In this echo chamber, about 78% of the justices are Catholic, while only 23% of all Americans are. According to Pew Research Center, about 60% of Catholic women believe that some or all abortions should be legal.

Many of us think that hiding the fact that Justice Clarence Thomas and his family have benefited greatly from the largesse of a billionaire backer looks shady at best. No American wants a judge who appears “on the take” and then gets defensive when asked about it.

Those of us who interpret the Bible different from the Catholic view have our own biblical standards that we willingly accept. My open and affirming church allows women to make their own choices about who to love and when to give birth. It even allows them to speak in church.

The Supreme Court justices are trying to force their personal religion and ethics on others of differing faiths, doctrines and standards. Aren’t diverse opinions what make America great?

Peter S. Cohoon, Bradenton

Do-nothings: DeSantis, Rubio, Scott

Florida has the most useless group of statewide politicians in the United States. Who knows how these bozos spend their time, but we can sure whatever they do, it does nothing to benefit the residents of Florida.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) heading to Senate floor as the Senate takes up a $95B foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) heading to Senate floor as the Senate takes up a $95B foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.

Sen. Marco Rubio turns up whenever he thinks his position as the ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee will provide him an opportunity to show his worth to his clueless supporters.

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida holds a press conference about the "Hope Florida Fund," at Beachside Fellowship Miracle Center in Panama City Beach, Fla., May 9, 2024
Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida holds a press conference about the "Hope Florida Fund," at Beachside Fellowship Miracle Center in Panama City Beach, Fla., May 9, 2024

Gov. Ron DeSantis takes positions on parental rights on both sides of the fence depending on which side will earn him political points with far-right MAGA voters. But for the most part, he wastes money on solutions in search of problems.

And then there is our other U.S. senator, Rick Scott.  You can be sure he used taxpayer funds to fly up to New York to support Trump when even Trump’s wife doesn’t think enough of him to be there to support him.

U.S. Senator Rick Scott addresses the participants at the Road to Majority conference at Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center Friday, June 17, 2022, in Nashville, Tenn.
U.S. Senator Rick Scott addresses the participants at the Road to Majority conference at Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center Friday, June 17, 2022, in Nashville, Tenn.

He even parroted Trump’s attack on the judge and prosecutor, which Trump is not allowed to do. Can’t see how his actions benefit the people of Florida at all.

Felton Marans, Lakewood Ranch

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: School Board defies reality, accepting only males and females