Sarah Huckabee Sanders Says Dems 'Shouldn't Waste Time Investigating' Trump

Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday that Democrats shouldn’t bother investigating President Donald Trump and his administration.

As election night unfolded Tuesday with Democrats on their way to recapturing the House of Representatives, the White House press secretary was asked by Fox News whether she thought Democrats would emphasize legislation over investigation.

“We have a president that’s willing to reach across the aisle to get things done,” Sanders said in the clip below. She added: “But if Democrats take the House, they shouldn’t waste time investigating. They should focus on what the people have put them there to do.”

Sanders said Democrats should “not continue to be the party of resist and obstruct, but want to actually work with this president to solve some of the big problems.”

Sanders probably won’t get her wish, at least when it comes to the Trump administration’s biggest festering scandal.

Democrats will likely seek to protect special counsel Robert Mueller from any Trump attempt to remove him from probing Russian interference in the 2016 election, and will step up “investigations and requests for testimony regarding Trump’s Russia ties,” Slate reported.


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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.