Sansa's revenge gave 'Game of Thrones' fans something to believe in

If you don't want spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 6, episode nine, move along little doggies.

Sansa Stark's story came full circle on Game of Thrones

We say this not only because Sansa finally saw Ramsay Bolton (née Snow) get his just desserts, but also because she fully inserted herself into a lasting leadership role. She demanded to be heard when Jon, Davos and Tormund planned for the Battle of the Bastards. She made her presence known when Jon was beating the bloody pulp out of the bloody pup. And she looked her tormentor right in the eye while sealing his nasty fate. 

SEE ALSO: If Sansa Stark is pregnant I swear to god I'm going to flip out you guys

In the span of one season, Sansa's hard-to-watch arc went from almost helpless victim to inspirationally confident leader. And the internet took note. 

And of course, once the ending happened, most everyone was overjoyed that Sansa finally brought Ramsay Bolton's reign of terror to an end. 

People were also very quick to point out the similarities between Sansa's rather bloody night and Beyoncé's latest culture-shaking album Lemonade