Sanford Police Chief Will Remain on Paid Leave

The rejection of Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee's resignation doesn't mean Lee will be back and running the police department which dropped the ball during the Trayvon Martin case, but it does, for now, allow him to remain on paid leave.

RELATED: Town Where Trayvon Was Shot Takes Three Months to Fire Police Chief

As we noted yesterday, city commissioners in Sanford voted 3-2 to reject Lee's resignation, with Mayor Jeff Triplett voting in favor of Lee staying in the department. If you recall, and as The New York Times reports, Triplett was part of the majority in the 3-2 "no confidence" vote against Lee's handling of the Martin case last month. "I am not ready to have him come back and run the Police Department," Triplett told The New York Times' Serge F. Kovaleski and Jennifer Preston. "But I am not ready for this, either."  

RELATED: Police Chief in Trayvon Martin Case Steps Down

According to WDBO radio, he earns $102,000 per year.