The Sandy Hook Principal's Twitter Feed Is Haunting

As is the case with tragedies these days social media offers a haunting and tragic look into victims' lives. Such is the case with the Newtown school shooting and the Twitter account of Sandy Hook Elementary's principal Dawn Hochsprung, which has been circulating this afternoon for its haunting messages.

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Hochsprung would often tweet enthusiastically about the school's students and it's events and project. Just two days ago she recorded the rehearsal for the school's winter concert: 

Sandy Hook students enjoy the rehearsal for our 4th grade winter concert - a talented group led by Maryrose Kristopik!…

— Dawn Hochsprung (@DHochsprung) December 12, 2012

Chillingly, in October Hochsprung tweeted about the school's annual evacuation drill. 

Safety first at Sandy Hook... It's a beautiful day for our annual evacuation drill!…

— Dawn Hochsprung (@DHochsprung) October 17, 2012

Hochsprung assumed her role in 2010 when she said of the school in an interview with the Newtown Bee: "I don't think you could find a more positive place to bring students to every day." 

RELATED: Newtown School Shooting: Live Updates

Tributes to Hochsprung are also being filed on social media, including this one from a former student: 

R.I.P Dawn Hochsprung you were my favorite principal and you'll be missed. <3

— Stephanie Marie (@StephersMariee) December 14, 2012