New sanctions against Russia in the making: EU

STORY: A spokesman for EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell, Peter Stano, accused Russia of "murdering civilians, destroying civilian infrastructure, violating international humanitarian law and committing war crimes."

He said the 27-member bloc would keep on supporting Ukraine and added a new round of sanctions was in the making.

The comments came after Ukrainian authorities announced they were investigating possible war crimes there, a description also used by French President Emmanuel Macron. The Kremlin categorically denied any accusations related to the murder of civilians in the Ukrainian town of Bucha.

Reuters could not independently verify the number of dead or who was responsible.

But its reporters in Bucha saw one man sprawled by the roadside, his hands tied behind his back and a bullet wound to his head. A mass grave at a church remained open, with hands and feet poking through red clay heaped on top.