Samsung’s Galaxy Note Edge is far from being a smash hit

Samsung’s Galaxy Note Edge is far from being a smash hit

Samsung is going to launch two distinct Galaxy S6 models in early March, according to many reports, but also according to its own teaser press invite posted online recently. By all accounts, we can look forward to a regular display version and one with a flexible screen that might have two Edge displays similar to what the company did with the Galaxy Note Edge. But a new report from South Korea reveals that the curved display version of the Galaxy Note 4 wasn’t exactly a smash hit for the company.

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Publication DT has learned that Samsung sold 630,000 Galaxy Note Edge units worldwide so far, which isn’t bad for this particular smartphone experiment, but it’s not mind-blowing either. Comparatively, the company sold more than 4.5 million Galaxy Note 4 units in the first month since launch, and likely a few more million units in the final months of 2014.

Samsung doesn’t announce specific smartphone sales for its Galaxy models, so it’s not clear where DT obtained the number.

The Galaxy Note Edge is slightly more expensive than the regular Galaxy Note 4 version. A recent report revealed that the rumored Galaxy S Edge will also be more expensive than the Galaxy S6.

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