Samantha Markle Is Accusing Meghan Markle of Ignoring Literally Everyone Who's Not a Clooney or Royal

Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

The same day Meghan Markle's dad, Thomas Markle, claimed she ghosted him, Samantha Markle hopped on Twitter to back him up and sling even more mud at Meghan, hoping something might stick.

This time, Samantha went in on some Twitter users who suggested Thomas reach out to Meghan privately and not through the press, which sounds smart. Samantha said no can do because Meghan apparently ignores everyone now. She wrote, "He did reach out privately to exhaust, but this woman thinks it's cool to ghost an entire family, best friend of 30 years, ex-husband who treated her very well, and trade everyone out for the Royals and Clooneys."

Now, IDK about you, but most would say that it is indeed very "cool" and acceptable to ghost your ex-husband and anyone who trash talks you and uses you for fame, as Samantha has admitted to doing. Also, don't drag George and Amal into this, please!

Then, somehow, Samantha came to the conclusion that if Meghan doesn't want to talk to her dad, then she's not able to be compassionate to anyone else in the world. "Time to start behaving like a humanitarian with a good and compassionate heart," Samantha advised. "But if she can't do it with our own father, then it is not sincere and she can't do it all." Huh. Didn't know it worked like that.

Samantha went back and forth with users about how it was Meghan who betrayed their family and not the family who let her down. We'll probably never know the full story, but this speaking to the press doesn't seem to be working for Samantha and Thomas and is making things even worse. Geez. You really cannot pick your family.

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