Sales tax on the rise

Jul. 8—The City of Odessa's July sales tax check, which reflects sales made in May, was up 24.55% compared to last May.

According to a City of Odessa news release, the city received a check of $5,224,069.32. This amount includes the Economic Development sales tax of one quarter cent. The City of Odessa will receive $4,179,255.46 and the Odessa Development Corporation will receive $1,044,813.86.

The year-to-date total sales tax revenue for fiscal year 2021-22 is up 29.13%, or $8,939,152.90 as compared to budgeted amount expected at this point in the fiscal year.

In addition, the 2021-22 year-to-date amount is above the previous fiscal year-to-date amount by $6,183,832.06 or 18.49%.

The city has budgeted $37,500,000.00 in net sales tax revenues for this current fiscal year.

According to Medical Center Hospital, the hospital district is scheduled to receive $4,414,843 in sales tax this month as a result of May sales. That's an increase of $8,599 from the same time last year.