Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is Okay After Flight Evacuation

United Airlines avoided a possible catastrophe, evacuating a San Francisco bound flight carrying Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after the pilot noticed something wrong with the engine, reports the Associated Press. "Supreme Court spokeswoman Patricia McCabe Estrada confirmed Ginsburg was on the flight." United confirmed one injured person, but Ginsburg made it out ok according to Estrada. 

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Passenger Jodi Gersh tweeted the event: "My plane just had an emergency evacuation—down the slides. I am shaking. I don't yet know why. People were screaming." She also provided this accompanying photograph of the scene. She notes that a passenger on the plane saw smoke from a possible fire in one of the engines.

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No Justice Ginsburg in sight, but we imagine she had to shimmy down those slides like the rest of them.