Russia's puppet Lukashenko appoints new chief of the General Staff of Belarus

Pavel Muraveiko
Pavel Muraveiko
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Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko appointed Pavel Muraveiko as the new Chief of the General Staff of country's Armed Forces and First Deputy Minister, Belarusian pro-government BelTA media outlet reported on May 23.

Previously, Muraveika served as First Deputy State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus.

After his appointment, Lukashenko suddenly recalled Russia's war against Ukraine.

Read also: Could Belarus be preparing for war

“This is also a lesson for us," Belarusian dictator said.

"A serious lesson. We must see what modern warfare is like."

Lukashenko dismissed Viktor Gulevich from the post of Chief of the General Staff to retirement reserve on May 10. Gulevich had been the head of the General Staff since March 2021.

Read also: Ukraine is ready, should Belarus opt to join war: UA Air Force responds to Lukashenko’s war mongering

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