Russians target village in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, injuring 3 people – photos

Photo: General Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia Oblast
Photo: General Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Russian forces opened fire on the frontline settlement of Stepnohirsk in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, injuring three people on the afternoon of 15 May.

Source: General Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia Oblast on Telegram

Quote: "On 15 May, at 15:45, the Russian army opened fire on the frontline village of Stepnohirsk in the Vasylivka district. As a result of the enemy strike, the administrative building was destroyed without subsequent combustion. Three people were injured."


Details: Reports indicate that rescue workers provided first aid to the people who were injured before handing them over to ambulance staff.


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