Russians shell Sumy Oblast, killing elderly woman and injuring her granddaughter

Photo: Prosecutor General's Office
Photo: Prosecutor General's Office

The Russians attacked Esman hromada in Sumy Oblast with artillery on the morning of 10 May, resulting in the death of a 64-year-old woman and injuries to her 17-year-old granddaughter. [A hromada is an administrative unit designating a town, village or several villages and their adjacent territories – ed.]

Source: the Prosecutor General's Office

Quote: "Investigation materials indicate that the occupiers shelled civilian infrastructure facilities in Esman hromada in Shostka district for an hour with artillery from 07:10 on 10 May 2024. As a result of the enemy attack, a 64-year-old woman was killed, and her 17-year-old granddaughter was wounded."

Details: It was reported that a pre-trial investigation has been initiated into the violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder, under the procedural guidance of the Shostka District Prosecutor's Office. Prosecutors and other law enforcement officers are currently documenting the consequences of the shelling.

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