Russians bring "observers" from Russian Federation to illegal "elections" on occupied territories

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The Russians are bringing "observers" from Russia to pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories.

Source: National Resistance Center

Quote: "Russian ‘elections’ are a complete farce and propaganda imitation, where the result and even the turnout are known in advance.

One of the main roles in this performance is played by observers who were forcibly brought to the TOT [temporarily occupied territories - ed.] from the Russian Federation, because the locals refuse to participate in this show."

Details: The National Resistance Center explains that, according to Russian legislation, such observers are so-called "public observers," and only a member of the "public chamber", an advisory body controlled by the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, has the right to be called such, because he [Putin - ed.] and the governors appointed by him approve the leadership of this chamber in the Russian Federation.

Quote: "These ‘public observers’ from the Russian Federation are watching the ‘elections’ at TOT, because the occupiers have just created local chambers and have not found a sufficient number of willing people there."

Earlier: Local residents in the occupied part of Kherson Oblast are trying to avoid participating in the so-called elections organised by the Russian occupiers.

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