These Russian Cops Singing 'Get Lucky' at the Olympics Cannot Wait for Tonight

NBC thinks that the nation will sit idly and accept that the Opening Ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics will be shown on tape delay tonight. We do not agree, and believe there are some things that must be seen immediately, like a Russian police choir singing 'Get Lucky' in perfect harmony during the pre-show.

As you can see (above right), that older Russian cop member appears to be crying, and knows that he is part of something beautiful. And that something shouldn't be on tape delay. 

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs choir made a name for itself and became a viral phenomenon late last year.  NBC has clearer video of their entire performance from Friday on its site.  A (not as clear but embeddable) video of the Russian police jamming during the pre-show appears below:

This was a GIF-able moment. And nothing says "Beijing and London, ya burnt" like a bunch of sweet-singing, crooning Russian policemen on loop:

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This Russian cop in the corner knows he's part of something great too:

Russia has clearly outdone itself tonight. 


This article was originally published at

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