Russian attacks kill 7, injure 15 over past day

Russian attacks against Ukraine over the past day killed at least seven people and injured at least 15, with children reported among the casualties, the authorities said on March 7.

Civilian casaulties were reported by regional officials in Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, and Kherson oblasts.

In Odesa, the military reported that five people had been killed and several others injured after Russia targeted the city's port with a missile during a visit of President Volodymyr Zelensky and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

"(The attack) is in no way connected to a specific visit, but it is related to the terror that (Russia) is very methodically carrying out," said Nataliia Humeniuk, a spokesperson of Ukraine's Southern Operational Command.

Nikopol in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast was targeted three times during the day, according to Governor Serhii Lysak.

An attack drone injured an elderly woman, and a large fire broke out when a Russian artillery attack targeted a shopping center. There were no victims, but the fire spread to cover over 4,000 square meters.

Russian attacks in Donetsk Oblast killed one person in the village of Netailove, Governor Vadym Filashkin reported.

One attack injured two people in the village of Kleban-Byk, and another attack injured a person in Pokrovsk, according to Filashkin.

In the village of Borova in Kharkiv Oblast, a Russian missile strike killed a 70-year-old man and injured seven others.

"A woman was rescued from the rubble, her five children were injured, as well as a man from a neighboring house," Governor Oleh Syniehubov reported on Telegram. The strike damaged 12 houses in the village.

Overnight, Russian forces attacked a training ground used by the State Emergency Service. The drone attack set fire to the building, destroying the site.

There were no casaulties, according to the State Emergency Service.

In Kherson Oblast, four people were injured, and 16 homes were damaged over the past day as a result of Russian attacks, according to Governor Oleksandr Prokudin.

Among the injured were a 59-year-old man and 58-year-old woman, who are husband and wife. They suffered blast injuries when a drone dropped an explosive onto their home in the city of Beryslav.

In the city of Kherson, Russian attacks damaged an educational institution, a gas pipeline, a car, and port infrastructure.

Sumy, Mykolaiv, and Zaporizhzhia oblasts also came under attack over the past day, but no civilian casaulties were reported.

Read also: Ukraine war latest: Russia launches missile strike at Odesa during Zelensky, Greek PM visit, killing 5

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