Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia Oblast village kills 74-year-old man

Russian troops attacked the village of Mala Tokmachka in Zaporizhzhia Oblast on May 23, killing a 74-year-old man, Governor Ivan Fedorov said.

A blast wave and debris reportedly destroyed a house and neighboring buildings. The elderly man was killed in his own yard, according to Fedorov.

No further details were provided at the moment.

Mala Tokmachka lies around 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) from the front line and over 70 kilometers (over 40 miles) from the regional center, Zaporizhzhia.

Russian forces attacked seven settlements in Zaporizhzhia Oblast 462 times over the past day, Fedorov said.

Read also: Updated: Russian attacks on Kharkiv Oblast kill 5, injure 13

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