Russia wants Steven Seagal to become face of country’s gun industry

Vladmir Putin wants BFF Steven Seagal to do him a solid and become the face of Russia’s gun industry.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that the country wants the ass-kicking American actor to head up an international marketing campaign for the Degtarev arms plant.

Rogozin accompanied Seagal on a trip to Russia on Tuesday. Putin hopes to make Russia the world’s foremost arms market.

“You’re ready to fight American [manufacturers] with your teeth and your intellect, and if Americans are prepared to promote and support you, that says we’re learning new ways to work on corporate warfare markets,” Rogozin said, according to the Associated Press.

Putin and Seagal have been friends for several months. Earlier this year, Seagal feasted with Putin before attending a judo match, because of course that’s what they did.

The Russian president’s spokesman said at the time, “Putin and Seagal have long been friends, and they regularly meet each other.”

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