Russia wants to "rebuild" Mariupol by 2040

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According to a document obtained by Ukrainian intelligence, the Kremlin plans to rebuild occupied Mariupol in Donetsk Oblast in three phases - by the end of 2022, from 2023 to 2025, and by 2040.

Source: the Radio Svoboda/Liberty project Donbas.Realities, with reference to a document provided by sources within one of the intelligence agencies of Ukraine

Details: The "rebuilding" of occupied Mariupol is evidenced by the "Concept for the master plan for the development of the city" drawn up by the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation.

According to the plan, the objective in phase one is to restore vital infrastructure, as well as "paying particular attention to the location of ​​the cemetery", for which it is recommended to use the territory of the airport.

"The construction of housing and the restoration and development of engineering and transport infrastructure" is planned by 2025.


By 2040, the Russian government wants to ensure the "budgetary efficiency and economic self-sufficiency of the city's territories". The construction of the Volnovakha-Mariupol railway and the formation of an "international transport corridor", i.e. a motorway through Mariupol to annexed Crimea and Odesa, are also announced.

Regarding Azovstal, the "concept" describes four options - resuming production, creating some kind of social and business platform, and two scenarios for the construction of a park.


Reminder: Denis Pushilin, the Kremlin-appointed leader of the so-called "Donetsk People’s Republic", claimed that they want to build a technology park, or just a park area, on the site of the Azovstal plant.

Read more: "Death and life in destroyed Mariupol: photo reportage"