Russia will resume Kalibr missile attacks soon – Ukraine's intelligence chief

Kyrylo Budanov. Photo: Getty Images
Kyrylo Budanov. Photo: Getty Images
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Kyrylo Budanov, Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence Chief, has said that Russia will likely resume Kalibr missile attacks on Ukraine in the near future as its Kh-101 missile stockpile is running low.

Source: Kyrylo Budanov on the national 24/7 newscast

Details: Budanov stressed that Ukraine's Defence Intelligence continues to monitor Russia’s missile production and stockpiling rates.

Quote from Budanov: "We know exactly how many missiles they have. The fact that they didn’t undertake any attacks on the energy infrastructure for over a year allowed them to stockpile a certain amount of ammunition. Unfortunately, the enemy has resources to continue in their efforts. [...]

Kalibr missiles were being stockpiled throughout this entire time, and they’re totally ready to be deployed […] [The Russians] made a decision to use Kh-101 missiles for now because Kalibrs are less effective than Kh-101s. But I think soon we will once again start seeing Kalibrs, because the number of Kh-101 has dwindled significantly."

Details: Budanov said that Russia wanted to replenish missile stockpiles and that it has successfully carried out this task.

"They are now essentially ready to deploy [those missiles]. While the navy stockpiled their missiles, the Russian Air and Space Forces were deploying Kh-101 missiles," he said.

When asked about how many missiles the Russian Federation is able to produce a month, Budanov said: "We’re talking about operational-tactical missiles, so I can reassure you, it’s nothing like 100 missiles a month. But it’s still a lot."

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