Russia has not given a single nuclear warhead to Belarus – Ukraine's Defence Intelligence Chief

Preparations of nuclear warheads storage facilities continue in Belarus, but Russia has not yet transferred any nuclear weapons to Belarus.

Source: Kyrylo Budanov during Ukraine’s national 24/7 newscast

Quote from Budanov: "Preparations for the possible transfer [of nuclear warheads to Belarus – ed.] do indeed continue. Storage facilities are being prepared. But as of now, not a single warhead has been transferred."


  • On Friday 16 June, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the first Russian tactical nuclear warheads were already in Belarus, and the final transfer will be completed by the end of the year.

  • Belaruski Hajun, an independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet, reported that as of 16 June, there was no evidence to suggest that the actual transfer of tactical nuclear weapons from the Russian Federation to Belarus has begun.

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