Russia is making the use of its glide bombs a priority, and it's causing devastation on the front lines

Russia is making the use of its glide bombs a priority, and it's causing devastation on the front lines
  • Russia is intensifying glide bomb attacks on Ukrainian defenses.

  • It is adapting old Soviet bombs into powerful new weapons.

  • Russia is making their use a "priority", a Ukrainian official said.

Russia is stepping up the production of a powerful long-range bomb which it's using to devastate Ukrainian defenses, reports said.

The "glide bombs" are old Soviet-era weapons that are fitted with guidance systems and wings, enabling them to be launched at a long distance by Russian fighter planes to strike Ukrainian positions.

They include the FAB-250, FAB-500, and FAB-1500, which are named after their respective weights in kilograms.

Oleh Synyehubov, governor of the Kharkiv region, said last week that Russia was using glide bombs in attacks on that part of the front line. "If you take [the situation] 10 months ago, the enemy used guided aerial bombs quite rarely," Synyehubov said. "Now it's their priority."

Ukrainian Tavriisk Group of Forces Spokesperson Captain Dmytro Lykhovyi said that Russia had used the bombs in a series of recent attacks in Donetsk, east Ukraine, according to US think tank The Institute for the Study of War.

"Previously, we were only shelled with artillery. Now the orcs [Russians] have taken on the town more aggressively [and] started using air force assets, particularly the FAB-1500," a soldier in the frontline town of Krasnohorivka in Donetsk told CNN

"Why they are using the FAB-1500? Because the damage done by it is very serious. If you survive, you are guaranteed to have a contusion."

"It puts a lot of pressure on soldiers' morale.  Not all of our guys can withstand it. While they are more or less used to the FAB-500 by now, but the FAB-1500 is hell."

The ISW said that members of the Russian military blogging community, who often have extensive contacts, said the new bombs "increase the depth of strikes" that Russia can launch on Ukrainian positions.

They said, according to the ISW, that Russia is seeking to mass produce the FAB-1500-M54 guided glide bomb and increase its use on the front line.

Konrad Muzyka, director of the Poland-based Rochan defense consultancy, told The Washington Post that Russia was launching up to 100 glide bomb attacks a day.

"It just costs [the Russians] nothing, really," Muzyka told the outlet. "I would imagine that they have a lot of these bombs, and they are not going to run out of them quickly."

Ukraine also has a glide bomb in its arsenal, the US-made JDAM, but reports say that Russian electronic warfare units have been able to intercept the bombs.

The Russian bombs are difficult to target using air defense systems because they are in the air for a relatively short time, analysts told The New York Times.

But Ukraine claims to have downed a series of Russian planes in recent weeks being used in attacks on Ukrainian positions by using air defense systems.

Russia's intensified use of the bombs comes as Ukraine faces a series of setbacks, with troops in front-line positions running low on ammunition as Republicans in Congress continue to block a $60 billion aid bill.

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