Russia loses 24,000 soldiers every month in Ukraine - German Chancellor Scholz

Russia loses 24,000 soldiers every month
Russia loses 24,000 soldiers every month

Russia loses 24,000 soldiers killed and wounded every month in Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said during a speech on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the German constitution, n-tv reported.

"There is a figure that says about 24,000 dead or seriously wounded Russian soldiers every month," Scholz said.

"All for the imperialist mania of the Russian dictator (Vladimir Putin - ed.),"

Read also: Russian assault troops suffer major losses near Kharkiv - up to 70% are casualties

Putin violates other people's borders because he considers Ukraine and Belarus to be part of Russia, Scholz said.

The Russian dictator is responsible for the deaths of many civilians and Ukrainian soldiers.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Russian troops have already lost more than 500,000 of their soldiers killed and wounded in Ukraine, the Ukrainian army's General Staff reported on May 25.

Russian losses in the war against Ukraine

Ukraine's General Staff divides Russian losses into two categories - fatalities and wounded, General Staff spokesperson, Andriy Kovalyov, explained on Feb. 27.

Russian losses amount to 180,000 killed, and up to 500,000 including wounded, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said.

Read also: 31,000 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed since 2022 — Zelenskyy

85% of the Russian losses are in the east, Khortytsia operational group spokesperson, Nazar Voloshyn, said on April 25, adding that the figure applies to both personnel and equipment.

Russia has already lost 500,000 of its soldiers in the war against Ukraine, French Foreign Affairs Minister, Stéphane Séjourné, said on May 3, citing France's own calculations.

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