Russia dramatically increases its Black Sea presence Operational Command Pivden (South)


Russia has increased the number of ships in its naval group. Fourteen Russian ships are manoeuvring along the Crimean coast towards Anapa [a city in Krasnodar Krai, Russia, located on the northern coast of the Black Sea near the Sea of Azov].

Source: Operational Command Pivden (South) on Facebook

Quote: "The enemy has dramatically increased the number of ships in their naval group – apparently in an attempt to make a show of its naval presence on Russian Navy Day [celebrated in Russia on 31 July]. But these 14 military ships are manoeuvring along the Crimean coast towards Anapa in missile-safe areas.

Four [Russian] naval missile ships and four landing ships are on standby and ready for action. They are equipped with a total of 32 Kalibr missiles, which constitute a threat of a missile strike [on the territory of Ukraine] from the sea."

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