Russia Compiles "Psychological Dossier" on Trump

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From Cosmopolitan

In preparation for meeting him in person, Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to get inside U.S. President Donald Trump's head.

According to NBC, a group of retired diplomats and members of Putin's staff are currently compiling a "dossier on Donald Trump's psychological makeup" for the Russian leader. A senior Kremlin adviser revealed that "its preliminary conclusions is that the new American leader is a risk-taker who can be naïve," while former Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Fedorov added that Trump "doesn't understand fully who is Mr. Putin - he is a tough guy."

The dossier is being compiled in order to help the Russian leader prepare for his first official in-person meeting with the new president, which has yet to be scheduled.

"Very serious preparatory work is going on in the Kremlin, including a paper - seven pages - describing a psychological portrait of Trump, especially based on this last two to three months, and the last weeks," Federov told NBC. "Trump is not living in a box - he is living in a crowd. He should listen to the people around him especially in the areas where he is weak."

As NBC points out, while it is normal for a world leader to be briefed on a rival leader before meeting with them, it's far less normal for them to request a dossier on their psychological state and way of thinking.

The news comes after much speculation and criticism about Trump's potential ties to Russia and their hacking of the 2016 election. The president has not yet commented on the matter.

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