Rudy Giuliani: DNC the ‘most anti-police’ convention ever

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani speaking at the Republican National Convention on July 18 in Cleveland. (Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani speaking at the Republican National Convention on July 18 in Cleveland. (Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani derided the Democratic National Convention for allegedly fanning the flames of resentment and hatred for law enforcement in the United States.

In an appearance on “Fox & Friends” Thursday, Giuliani called the gathering “the most anti-police” and “the most anti-law-enforcement” convention that he has ever seen.

“There was not a uniformed police officer allowed on the convention floor. I was told that by four high-ranking Philadelphia police officers, two of whom I’ve known for a very long time,” he continued. “And then I walked the floor two nights — couldn’t find a single uniformed police officer. Go look at your footage: You find me a uniform. Hillary Clinton didn’t want uniformed police officers on the convention floor.”

It’s worth noting that Pittsburgh police Chief Cam McLay addressed the DNC on Tuesday.

In many ways, Giuliani’s condemnations of the Democratic Party in TV appearances this week have been a continuation of his impassioned speech on July 18 at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, where he discussed making “America safe again.”

Giuliani was widely credited with helping to reduce violent crime in New York in part by hiring William Bratton as the city’s police commissioner. They shared a belief in the “broken windows” theory, which maintains that stomping out small crimes like vandalism helps to prevent the sort of lawless atmosphere that’s conducive to more serious crimes. Lately, Giuliani is especially critical of the recent Black Lives Matter movement, which he has called “inherently racist.”

Republican nominee Donald Trump, whom Giuliani portrayed in his RNC speech as tough on crime, stepped into yet another controversy on Wednesday when he encouraged Russian intelligence to find the thousands of emails that Clinton has deleted.

Giuliani defended the GOP candidate on CNN’s “New Day” Thursday morning by saying Trump was merely joking.

“He was telling a joke. When he got off the plane, he tweeted out the emails should be sent to the FBI. He was joking around,” Giuliani said.

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