Royal wedding: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's order of service revealed - English customs blended with American influence

Prince Harry waves to the crowds gathered outside Windsor Castle as his bride-to-be Meghan Markle arrives at her hotel on Friday
Prince Harry waves to the crowds gathered outside Windsor Castle as his bride-to-be Meghan Markle arrives at her hotel on Friday

When Meghan Markle enters St George’s Chapel to begin the last steps in her journey to join the Royal family, the state trumpeters will sound a fanfare that has accompanied its brides for generations.

Before long, as she says her vows to Prince Harry, that time-honoured tradition will give way to striking modernity, with the soaring voices of a gospel choir singing music from Ben E King and Etta James.

Saturday's Royal wedding ceremony, with each detail chosen by the couple, will blend the best-loved elements of British pageantry with a modern outlook that reflects the Prince and Ms Markle, in a service designed to capture the best of each of their heritage.

From the music of Sir Charles Hubert Parry and a reading from the Bible to a procession of a newlyweds accompanied by a rendition of This Little Light of Mine, their choices go to the heart of their relationship: English customs blended with an American influence, offset by an overriding message of joy.

The Prince and Ms Markle last night waved goodbye to their single lives, with the bride proclaiming she felt “wonderful” as she went to bed for the final time before joining the Royal family.

Royal Wedding - In the Chapel

The Prince, flanked by his best man, entertained well-wishers who had flocked to Windsor to see him with an impromptu walkabout, saying he was feeling “great” about his impending married life.

On Saturday morning, they were due to wake in separate hotels before embarking on the wedding ceremony that will conclude Ms Markle’s storybook transformation into a fully fledged member of the Royal family.

Her journey, which has been complicated this week by her paternal family, will see her walk into the nave of St George’s Chapel alone, surrounded by small bridesmaids and page boys but with no adult by her side.

Then, halfway through the long walk towards the altar, she will be met by the Prince of Wales, who will take her arm to accompany her the rest of the way.

In a major break from tradition, she will not, therefore, be given away.

The Prince was asked by Ms Markle to be her companion for the walk after her own father, Thomas Markle, told her he could no longer attend after taking medical advice.

The bride-to-be is said to have suggested her future father-in-law as the ideal substitute and, with the encouragement of Prince Harry, asked him in person to do the honours.

Royal wedding pictures: Best photos as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle prepare for their big day

Her decision to walk alone for part of her entrance no doubt underlines her long-established credentials as an independent woman, with a slow, steady journey walking behind the Dean of Windsor from the great West Door of the chapel to the quire, where the Prince will be waiting.

So late was Mr Markle’s decision that guests in the chapel will be given an order of service that notes him as present, along with her mother, Doria Ragland, and senior members of the Royal family including the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh.

While the Church of England ceremony will naturally be religious, officiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Ms Markle, like the Duchess of Cambridge before her, will not promise to obey her husband, using the modern language of “you” rather than “thee” or “thou".

Guests at the service will hear English Baroque composer William Boyce's Symphony no 1 in B flat, works from Bach, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Elgar, Holst and Parry.

Lady Jane Fellowes, Prince Harry’s beloved aunt and sister of the late Diana, Princess of Wales, will read the Song of Solomon, omitting some of the more sensual elements of the Bible text.

Most of the ceremony will see the Prince and Ms Markle referred to simply as “Harry and Meghan”, eschewing the full repetition of their names: Prince Henry Charles Albert David and Rachel Meghan Markle.

The decision will ensure neither endures the test faced by the Prince’s parents, where the then Lady Diana Spencer muddled her words to get Prince Charles’ middle names the wrong way around.

Hymns will also honour the Prince’s mother, with Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer, otherwise known as Bread of Heaven, remembered both for being played at her funeral and as a Welsh rugby anthem sung regularly by Prince Harry.

As the service continues, A gospel choir will perform Ben E King’s Stand By Me, later followed by Etta James' uplifting version of Amen/This Little Light of Mine - a joyous childhood favourite.

At a glance | St George’s Chapel Windsor

"Like any couple getting married, Prince Harry and Ms Markle have taken a great deal of care in selecting all elements for their service," a spokesman for Kensington Palace said of the choices.

"This has been a collaborative effort led by Prince Harry and Ms Markle.

"They have also sought the advice of the Prince of Wales for the orchestral music before the service begins."

This Little Light of Mine, written in the 1920s by Harry Dixon Loes, became a Civil Rights anthem in the 1960s and carries the message of vowing to burn brightly or, rather, be the best person you can be.

The wedding day marks the end of a tumultuous week for the Prince and Ms Markle, in which the health of the bride’s father, as well as his decision to stage a series of paparazzi photographs, threatened to overshadow proceedings.

Thomas Markle on Friday said he had given his blessing to Ms Markle's decision to ask the Prince of Wales to accompany her, saying he was "honoured and grateful" he had stepped up to the role. 

Prince Charles, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attend Christmas Day Church service at Church of St Mary Magdalene on December 25, 2017 in King's Lynn, England - Credit: Getty/Chris Jackson
Prince Charles, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attend Christmas Day Church service at Church of St Mary Magdalene on December 25, 2017 in King's Lynn, England Credit: Getty/Chris Jackson

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, asked well-wishers to pray for Mr Markle. Mr Welby said of Prince Harry and Ms Markle: "They're a very, very sensible, they're a very self-possessed couple.

"And at the rehearsal they just got on with it and it was very relaxed, laughing and enjoyable."

The Most Rev Bishop Michael Curry, the 27th presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church, has travelled from Chicago to give an address which is expected to reflect his and the couple's shared beliefs about equality. He said the marriage was significant in the sense that "different worlds are being brought together".

By Friday though, the couple appeared on dazzlingly happy form, photographed being driven to Windsor Castle together to enjoy tea with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, who welcomed Ms Ragland into their home.

After a final run-through of the day, allowing the Prince of Wales to rehearse his unexpected role in the aisle, the couple went their separate ways for their last night of unmarried life.

As thousands of well-wishers packed the streets of Windsor to wave flags, show off banners and shout their congratulations, the Prince and his best man, the Duke of Cambridge, took ten minutes out of their schedule to share their excitement with the world.

Prince William and Prince Harry greet the crowds outside of Windsor castle on the day before the wedding
Prince William and Prince Harry greet the crowds outside of Windsor castle on the day before the wedding

Bounding out of the castle, Prince Harry made a beeline for young children, keen travellers and an old army friend, bombarding them with questions about themselves and telling them he hoped they would get a good view of the wedding.

Politely ignoring questions about whether he was suffering any nerves ahead of the big day, Prince Harry told crowds he felt “great”.

“They were more interested in us and other people waiting here,” said one onlooker. “Prince Harry said he hoped we hadn’t been waiting too long.”

The Royal Wedding in numbers

During his walkabout, the Prince managed to spot a familiar face in the sea of people, racing over the greet his friend Dean Stott, who has just broken the world record for cycling the Pan American Highway while raising money for Heads Together.

The brothers spent the night at Coworth Park, a luxury hotel where both have played polo before.

Ms Markle, meanwhile, stayed at Cliveden House Hotel with her mother, Doria Ragland, who has been her most loyal and discreet supporter through her building romance with Prince Harry.

The pair, who will travel to the chapel together by car today, smiled broadly as they arrived at the five-star hotel, both appearing calm and delighted to be there fresh from their meeting with the Queen.

Meghan Markle arriving at Cliveden House Hotel on the National Trust's Cliveden Estate to spend the night 
Meghan Markle arriving at Cliveden House Hotel on the National Trust's Cliveden Estate to spend the night

Looking glamorous in navy blue, Ms Markle offered a friendly wave to the small group of media there to record her arrival.

Asked how she was feeling, she said: “Wonderful, thank you.”

Beneath her confident exterior, Ms Markle, like Prince Harry, is said to be suffering the “normal nerves” of any couple getting married.

A source said: “They are both ready. The last couple of days all their friends have been arriving. I think everything has started to feel very real after a long time planning.

“All weddings are complicated to plan, and something on this scale is completely different. They have made every decision.”

Days until the Royal wedding


Here are the timings of the main events on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding day.

9am - Members of the public who have been invited to watch the wedding day from the grounds of Windsor Castle begin to arrive.

9.30am-11am - Wedding guests arrive at the Castle's famous Round Tower by coach and enter the chapel through the South Door and take their seats.

11.20am - Members of the royal family begin to arrive and enter via the Galilee Porch, some on foot and others by car.

11.40am - Harry and best man the Duke of Cambridge arrive at the chapel's west door, received by the Dean of Windsor. They will probably arrive on foot, walking past the thousands of spectators invited into the grounds of the castle. The moment will give Harry the chance to acknowledge the 200 representatives from charities he is associated with gathered in the Horseshoe Cloister at the bottom of the steps.

11.42am - Ms Markle's mother Doria Ragland arrives at the Galilee Porch and is received by the Dean of Windsor.

11.45am - The Prince of Wales arrives at the Galilee Porch.

11.52am - Following protocol, the Queen will be the last member of the royal family to arrive for the wedding service.

11.59am - Ms Markle arrives at the Chapel's West Steps by car, from her overnight accommodation at the Cliveden House Hotel in Taplow, Berkshire. Ms Markle will walk through the Nave on her own followed by her bridesmaids and pageboys who include Princess Charlotte and Prince George, before being accompanied by Charles down the aisle of the Quire.

Noon - Service begins.

1pm - Service ends and the newlyweds emerge at the West Steps of the Chapel. They will be waved off on their carriage procession through Windsor by members of both families. The congregation will file out of the chapel to see the married couple leave before heading to St George's Hall for a lunchtime reception hosted by the Queen.

1.05pm - The carriage procession through the streets of Windsor possibly begins around this time, taking 25 minutes.

7pm - Bride and groom depart Windsor Castle for the evening reception at Frogmore House, hosted by the Prince of Wales.

Royal wedding | Read more


The royal wedding will feature the uplifting sounds of a gospel choir singing the soul classic Stand By Me and a song popular in African-American churches.

St George's Chapel's lofty heights normally reverberate to traditional choral music but the Kingdom Choir, directed by its founder Karen Gibson, is expected to put on an inspirational performance.

The gospel choices are likely to be down to Meghan Markle, who appears to have brought the sounds of her American homeland to the Gothic chapel.

Ms Gibson, who will lead her group during the service, has said: "The Kingdom Choir is truly honoured to be invited to sing at the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms Markle, and very excited to be taking part in such a historic moment.

"It will be a moment that we will always treasure and we'd like to take the opportunity to wish the couple all the very best for their coming union."

After the US bishop Michael Curry gives the address, the gospel choir will perform Stand By Me, made famous by singer Ben E King but also sung by Beatle John Lennon.

When the bride and groom walk through the chapel after they are married, the gospel choir, who will be positioned at the west end of the place of worship, will sing the gospel classic Amen/This Little Light of Mine.

It is a favourite in African-American churches across the US and versions of the song have been sung by a string of soul artists from Otis Redding to Sam Cooke, but they will perform Etta James's version.

The newlyweds will begin their journey along the aisle with a contrasting piece of music from 18th-century English composer William Boyce, his symphony no.1 in B-flat, which has a triumphant celebratory tone.

Other highlights from the music chosen by Harry and Meghan include the song which is affectionately known as the Welsh rugby hymn - Bread of Heaven - or Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer.

The Prince will have joined the crowds at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium in singing the song during Welsh international rugby matches and it was also chosen by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for their wedding.

When picking the music due to be played before the service begins, the couple asked the Prince of Wales - who will walk the bride down the aisle - for help in making the selection.

It features one of Charles's favourite composers Sir Hubert Parry, a figure the prince made a documentary about, and works by Sir Edward Elgar, Vaughan Williams, Gustav Holst and Johann Sebastian Bach.

As the bride and groom sign the register, teenage cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, a rising star of the classical music world, will perform three pieces - by Faure, Schubert and Maria Theresia von Paradis, with the Orchestra - musicians from the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, the English Chamber Orchestra and the Philharmonia.


The only reading at the royal wedding will be given by a member of Prince Harry's Spencer family, his aunt, Lady Jane Fellowes.

Speaking from the Nave, Diana, Princess of Wales' older sister will read from the Song of Solomon, which stresses the strength and power of love.

The short reading proclaims: "My beloved speaks and says to me: 'Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.'"

The decision to give the important role of delivering the reading to the late princess's sibling shows the strong connection Harry retains with his mother's family.

Lady Jane, whose husband Baron Robert Fellowes is a former private secretary to the Queen, also gave a reading at Diana's funeral in 1997.

Lady Jane Fellowes, who will give the only reading at the royal wedding - Credit: Arthur Edwards/PA
Lady Jane Fellowes, who will give the only reading at the royal wedding Credit: Arthur Edwards/PA

The passage that will be read on Saturday says: "Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, passion fierce as the grave.

"Its flashes are flashes of fire, a raging flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it."

It also says: "If one offered for love all the wealth of one's house, it would be utterly scorned."

The reading comes from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

Harry was just 12 years old when his mother was killed in a Paris car crash in 1997.

The image of the young prince and brother William, then 15, walking behind Diana's coffin on the day of her funeral became etched in the public's memory.

All three of Diana's siblings - Earl Spencer, Lady Sarah McCorquodale and Lady Jane - will be at the royal wedding in Windsor.

The vows

Meghan Markle will not promise to "obey" her husband when she marries Prince Harry.

The couple have selected words from The Marriage Service from Common Worship (2000).

They will pledge themselves to one another: "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part".

The marriage service features contemporary language - using the word "you" instead of "thee" and "thou" and offers the most flexibility in the choice of readings and prayers.

The fact that Meghan and Harry have opted for the more modern approach to the traditional marriage ceremony comes as no surprise.

The American former actress, who is committed to gender equality and empowering women, was a UN women's advocate.

Recent royal tradition has been for royal brides not to pledge to obey their husbands.

The Duchess of Cambridge did not in 2011, and neither did Harry's mother the Princess of Wales in 1981 when she married the Prince of Wales.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive at Windsor Castle - Credit: James Whatling Photography
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive at Windsor Castle Credit: James Whatling Photography

But Harry and Meghan have selected a different service from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

William and Kate - a future King and Queen - went for the Alternative Services: Series One ceremony - a slightly updated version of the Book of Common Prayer (1662) - in Westminster Abbey in 2011.

This also did not contain "obey him" or "serve him" but still retained traditional language.

The rings

Prince Harry will wear a wedding ring after marrying Meghan Markle - something not all royal grooms have chosen to do.

Wedding rings worn by royal brides are traditionally made from Welsh Gold but very few men in the monarchy have chosen to put on a wedding band.

When the Duke of Cambridge married, he followed in the footsteps of his grandfather the Duke of Edinburgh and uncle the Duke of York who both chose not to wear the symbol of marriage.

Royal brides are given wedding rings made from gold nuggets from Clogau St David's mine at Bontddu in North Wales, and Ms Markle is expected to follow the tradition.

During the Giving Of The Rings part of the ceremony in St George's Chapel, Harry and Ms Markle will exchange bands, after hearing the Archbishop of Canterbury describe the jewellery as "a symbol of unending love and faithfulness" and a reminder of their vows.

Ms Markle first receives her ring from Harry, who will say: "Meghan, I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage.

"With my body I honour you, all that I am I give to you, and all that I have I share with you, within the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

Prince Harry looks at Meghan Markle's engagement ring - Credit: Aniel Leal-Olivas/AFP
Prince Harry looks at Meghan Markle's engagement ring Credit: Aniel Leal-Olivas/AFP

When Harry receives his ring from Ms Markle, she will place the band on the fourth finger of his left hand, holding it there, before addressing him with the same words.

The dual exchange of rings will be seen as pointing to the equality of the couple's relationship.

The Duchess of Cambridge's wedding ring, a plain, slim gold band, was made by royal warrant holders Wartski and fashioned from a nugget of Welsh gold given to William by his grandmother the Queen as a gift to mark his 2011 wedding.

The custom of men wearing wedding rings is said to be relatively recent and is believed to have started during the Second World War when servicemen wanted a memento to remind them of their partners back home.

Its popularity increased as the decades passed and as it became more fashionable for men to wear jewellery.

In contrast to other royal men, the Prince of Wales does wear a wedding band, under a signet ring on the little finger of his left hand.

There may be an element of social class at play for men who decide not to wear a wedding ring as those from the upper classes are said not to like jewellery.

The Queen Mother began the tradition of royal wedding rings being made from Welsh gold after the precious metal was used to make her wedding band when she married in 1923.

Royal wedding | Read more

One nugget of gold was used to make the Queen Mother's wedding ring, the Queen's in 1947, Princess Margaret's in 1960, the Princess Royal's in 1973 and that of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1981.

The gold came from the Clogau St David's mine. There is now only a minute sliver, one gram (0.035oz), of the original nugget left.

In November 1981, the British Royal Legion presented the Queen with a 36-gram (1.3oz) piece of 21-carat Welsh gold for future royal wedding rings.

The Duchess of Cornwall's wedding ring was also crafted from Welsh gold from the Clogau St David's mine and the river Mawddach in the King's Forest.

It was handmade in court style by Wartski and the precious metal was supplied by Cambrian Goldfields Limited.