Ross County law enforcement collects and safely disposes over 200 pounds of pills

The Law Enforcement Complex in Ross County has a drug takeback box for community members to drop in pills and illegal substances to be properly disposed of.
The Law Enforcement Complex in Ross County has a drug takeback box for community members to drop in pills and illegal substances to be properly disposed of.

CHILLICOTHE — First responders and the Ross County-Chillicothe Law Enforcement Center recently held a drug takeback event on April 27, also known as National Drug Takeback Day.

This event allows people to safely dispose of old prescriptions, e-cigarettes and illegal drugs without being identified as a method of curbing addiction in the community.

During the recent event, Ross County collected old pills and illegal drugs from community members. This coupled with the drug takeback box in the Law Enforcement Complex lobby has brought in over 230 pounds of substances in the last few months.

"That is a lot of pills, a lot of medication," said Ross County Sheriff George Lavender.

While it may be a lot he and Deputy Dave Weber are happy so much was turned in as it means fewer pills and substances are sitting in homes where people could be more easily tempted to abuse them. It also reduces the risk of children accidentally overdosing on pills they may find.

Lavender said a lot of pills can come from family members cleaning up houses of deceased loved ones. A majority of the time people don't know how to properly dispose of the medication but they know they don't want anyone else using them. He said the takeback box has been a "Godsend" in helping those wanting to be safe with pills.

"Bring the stuff to us, we will dispose of it properly," said Weber.

The items collected during the takeback day and from the box are sent to facilities throughout the state to be incinerated.

Shelby Reeves is a reporter for the Chillicothe Gazette. You can email her at or follow her on Twitter @Shelby_Reeves_

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: Local law enforcement calls drug takeback box a "Godsend"