Roseanne Barr Interviewed Following Controversial S.E. Cupp Comments: ‘You Attack Women’s Rights, You Are Attacked’

(Photo: AP)

Following Hustler’s explicit, photo-shopped depiction of commentator S.E. Cupp seemingly performing oral sex, Roseanne Barr chose not to condemn the misogynists who created the image– but rather, the women who came to S.E. Cupp’s defense.

“Your defense of women who hate women is more disgusting than putting pics of penises in their mouths, excuse me!” she tweeted, after Ms. Magazine co-founders Gloria Steinem and Robin Morgan chose to stand behind Cupp.

(Related: Fake Explicit Image of S.E. Cupp Appears in Hustler)

After Morgan responded over Twitter, saying she was not defending S.E. Cupp’s “atrocious” politics, but rather, standing up for a fellow woman, Barr unleashed a fury of related tweets:

“…defending the indefensible [S.E. Cupp and her politics] is not a common sense thing-it leads to lemming-like thought patterns [in my opinion]”

“…when a woman who works to dispossess women is attacked- i dont think we should come 2 her aid”

“@secupp what goes around seems to come around.”

“sometimes feminist spokeswomen are pro-censorship, and that wont work in America. Supporting woman haters ‘rights’ backfires on them.”

Some of her tweets are certainly more intelligible than others, but the meaning is quite apparent: S.E. Cupp somehow deserved to be foully targeted because of her politics.

But now, the candidate is seemingly moderating her tone, if not revising her thesis altogether.

Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo recently interviewed Barr about the controversial comments, and it is difficult to tell whether she still believes Cupp somehow “deserved” it, or whether it’s just shameful what transpired:

“If you’re going to take one side of a polarizing issue,” the former comedienne said, “expect the other side to [hit] hard,” as though that is what she meant.

After Joe ‘Pags’ pointed out that Barr was seemingly changing her tune, the woman delved into a discussion about taking care of real issues in the world, rather than “polarizing” issues.

“Should like, some women, just keep like griping about it, and griping about it?” she asked.

“So all this polarizing back-and-forth and self-righteous huffing and puffing is so that the American people can be pulled off their game and not be able to ever hear what the real issue that needs debate is about, and it‘s about women’s healthcare…”

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