Romney Camp, RNC Release First Biographical Spot


Mitt Romney’s campaign and the Republican National Committee on Tuesday released a joint TV ad called “Believe in Our Future,” which focuses on the presumptive GOP nominee’s biography. 

The ad starts with Romney’s business career, from his stint at Bain Capital to his successful management of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.

“My own experience was I got the chance to start my own business,” a close-up Romney says while driving. “I know what it’s like to hire people and to wonder whether you’re going to be able to make ends meet down the road.”

Moving on to Romney’s four years as Governor of Massachusetts, the narrator says that Romney balanced the state’s budget.

“The real experience was in Massachusetts,” Romney says. “I found a budget that was badly out of balance. We cut our spending. Our legislature was 85 percent Democrat and every one of the four years I was governor, we balanced the budget.”